Sunday, November 22, 2015

What is ATM skimming?

    According to the Commonwealth Bank, ATM card skimming is "A method used by criminals to capture data from the magnetic stripe on the back of an ATM card. Devices used are smaller than a deck of cards and are often fastened in close proximity to, or over the top of the ATM's factory-installed card reader. ATM skimming is a world-wide problem."

So how does ATM skimming works?

1. It uses a small magnetic card reader to capture the data inside the ATM card.

It may look like this (ATM skimmers is more sophisticated, so its size is smaller and color may differ).

2. A keypad that records any number you input, it sticks on top of the original ATM keypad.

The keypad may look original as the ATM as well, but it sticks out a bit.

3. A mini digital camera that may last few hours up to 1 day (depends on the camera itself) and usually sticks around a brochure box or on top of the ATM screen.

Camera placement can be anywhere

    Always be careful when entering an ATM, always look for these sign, and make sure to cover the keypad with your hand (after you are sure the keypad itself is original) when typing your pin so even though your card's data is captured, the pin is still safe.

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