Monday, November 30, 2015

Problems with Checking Dumps Validity

    Most common problems when dealing in store carding is knowing if the dumps in the card is valid or not.

Why do the enemy needs to check the card validity?

    1. To keep expenses down. (Carders require to make fake ID, print and emboss a plastic card according to the data dump so the store clerk can verify and and authenticate the carder to purchasing using that card).

    2. Have successful purchase in their targeted store.

    3. To verify the authenticity of the seller.

    4. To know the card is alive and can be used.

Reasons Why Don't Use Dump Checker:

    1. Almost all full track or dump checker is just another simple CVV checker. Any checker that requires the card number and the expire date is a simple CVV checker. (If checking a dump requires you to pay $1, it is not worth it).

    2. Almost all online checker will kill the dump. This usually happens because online checker are connected to a donation site, so during the moment the card is being checked, it is the same time the card is being used to for some stuff and the card issuer will decline the transaction.

    3. Some checkers are connected to fake merchants. The problem here is, usually the merchant is blacklisted by the card issuer, so when the card is checked, it will automatically kill the card.

    4. Any kind of checker that requires the card number and the expire date is not a dump checker.

    5. Some checkers are just stealing dumps. These kind of fake checker will usually respond with "05 Declined". The checkers also request to input the full track.

    6. There are only a few checkers which are not killing the dump. These kind of checkers are respectable in the carding world, which are using real merchants and change the merchants regularly to avoid getting merchants blacklisted. The problem with these checkers, they are usually closed circuit and in big private forums, which requires vouches from old existing members to register new account.
       Almost all of them are hidden in search engines.

So How to Check the Dumps Without Killing the Dumps?

    The most simple, yet most effective way is to call the bank issuer of the card.

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