Sunday, November 29, 2015

10 Most Common Mistakes Made Newbie or Careless Carders

  • Makes random purchases without considering the size, style, color or price (for fashion objects).

  • Too talkative or delaying a selection repeatedly until the store clerk is upset.

  • Hurries the store clerk and pushes too much.

  • Purchases large size items (television, and other similar objects) and demands on taking the item personally rather than having it delivered.

  • Refuses cloth alteration (for fashion objects) even though they are included in the price.

  • Purchases an extended warranty without hesitation, even though it cost a lot.

  • Makes purchases, leaves the store and then returns to the same store to make another purchase.

  • Is not well dress but purchases expensive items.

  • Pulls out the credit card from pocket and not from their wallet.

  • Does not have a driver or ID license. If they claim they do, they say it is in the car (aka, too many reasons).

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