Saturday, December 12, 2015

In-Store Carding Precautions


    This is one of the most important topic to discuss when planning to card.
  • First of all, when arriving to a store, never park in front of the store you are about to shop.
    • Why? If someone gets suspicious, they may write down your license plate or if they have cameras outside, you and your car may have been captured by big brother.
    • So? Always park far enough so the store cannot see which car you got into. If possible, park around the corner or have someone else drive and wait out of site for you.
    • If you are using a buddy system, you can get a 2 way radios or both keep cell phone on you. If shit hits the fan, you can sprint away and have the car meet somewhere nearby.
    • Warning. Never run directly towards your car if something bad happens and you have the run because security is probably running after you.
    • Always carry a small can of mace or pepper spray key chain size to use it as your get away tool if you security is about or captures you. Problem here is, if they caught you and hold you real tight, you can get into more trouble.


    1.  Area to Shop and Which Store to Hit.
Always plan ahead before trying to card in specific store. Drive around the targeted area, scout the place for securities and employees pattern. This helps a lot if planning to hit an area fast and securely as it gives you an idea or plan to find the quickest way to escape if all hell breaks loose.

It is not pre-requirement to card, you can just go to any store and try carding. If something happens, just improvise but it is recommended to always plan ahead before trying to do anything.

Commence Carding : Part 1

    Find a good parking spot (refer back to the Security Section). Look around and make a scenario of what to do in you head if shit goes wrong.

    If trouble comes, run the opposite direction of your parked car and loop around, behind the store to your car.

Commence Carding : Part 2

    It's always a good idea to bring spare shirts during carding. After you finished carding the 1st store, change to another shirt and start carding another store.

    If you are being chased, you can take one off (always wear double shirt) to loose your tail.

    Most of the time you will not have problems during carding and tired of walking too far from your car. Even if you are now an experienced carder, carded more than 100 times and never face any problems, never let your guard down.

Additional Information

    Always keep them (securities and employees) guessing of you if they realize that they have been carded. Some people wear hats and glasses. It is better to use normal glasses or just use stage glasses. Never use sunglasses because it looks shady to use them indoors.

    Try to always change your facial hair, grow a mustache, beard, goatee, etc. Always try to look different every time.

    Try to dress to fit in with the crowd. You don't want people to remember you after seeing you the first time.

    One last important rule! Always shop a distance away from your home. You don't want them to catch you on camera and put a picture of you on the news for your family and friends to see and also, you should never go back to the same store with your real information (ID, Driver's License, etc.). Even though they might not catch you, but it's never a mistake to always be safe.

For Newbies

    If you are newbies to carding, never try to card for laptops or any electronic devices during your first run. Start small and go your way up. Always start on clothes because they are easier and way less suspicious.

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