Monday, December 7, 2015

In-Store Carding Behaviour

    First rule to apply when trying to card to any store. Just say, "This is my card" to yourself and repeat it every time. Always try to convince yourself and make sure you are convinced.

    Remember, being paranoid, scared or nervous is the perfect way to tip off the clerk or any store employee and get busted. Always approach the store as if you are a real customer, wishing to buy something you want or need from that store.
    With each year of increasing security to prevent frauds, it is getting rare to retrieve a dump that can last weeks to use.

When carding in-store, it can go 2 ways; success or fail.

  • If Success: Walk away with free items, which means profit.
  • If Fail: Your card is declined, need to call for authorization or card gets retained.

1.  Keep yourself cautious.

    Keeping yourself in check is the most important thing when pulling this operation. Always be yourself, keep a calm voice and never say the word "stole/steal/stolen/jacked/hacked" in the store. Remember, you never know who is listening.

    Always park away from the store, example, Walmart have cameras outside the store and can see your license plate in camera angle distance. Thinking you got a away after an operation is a fool if parked in any exposed camera area. If it is reported to the bank, the FBI will surely join the hunt and look up to the camera feed.

2.  The talk.

    Never be scared to talk to the store clerk or employee about the products. If you are a shy person, then act as if you are different person acting out, and you are just an observer from distance. Being friendly to the employee or clerk makes a huge difference.

    Asking questions to break the ice like (for young guys), "What's up bro?", "I went to a party last night and I'm tired" sounds ridiculous? No it is not, it works brilliantly.

3.  Checkout.

    This part should've been in the first part, but it's quite controversial though. Let us get to the point.

    When you first walk in, always observe at the register. See who is working there (male or female, young or old) and try to see what kind of terminal it is (self-swipe, etc) just so you won't run into something you don't want to mess with.

    What ever you do, do not stare over there, it looks stupid and may alert someone because they assume you plan to rob them.

4.  The "Swipe".

    This is the most important part of in-store carding, the swipe. This is where it all goes down. If you have to hand over the card, just give them.

    If there is a problem with your card, just give the "give me" hand gesture over the register, acting like you want the card back and most of the time, they will give it back. If they won't, then tell that you "want", "need" or "require" the card back. Your prints are on the card so always try to get it back.

    If it is a self-swipe, a good trick is to swipe it and put it away as fast (but natural looking) as possible. If there is a problem, the clerk will usually hesitate to ask for the card to compare signatures or whatever they need. It is all just a mind game here.

5.  The "Response".

    There are different result after swiping.
  • Approved
    • SUCCESS! Sign the electronic screen or receipt and you are on your way. Walk out and never come back.
  • Declined
    • Your card's fucked. Either your purchase cost is too high. The clerk usually will not suspect the card as stolen, so give them the 2nd card.
    • If you don't have 1, ask where the ATM is and say you'll be back. Truth is, just leave.
  • Call for Authorization
    • Ask for your card back and explain to them that the purchase cost went over your spending limit.
    • If it is self-swipe, tell them you have a thing and you don't like to give your card to people because the bank said it to always keep it to yourself or any other stupid logical excuse.
    • Calling for authorization is bad news, usually it will only decline, some will say, "What's the name of the individual". Since you don't know, you can lie, telling them that it is you uncle's, aunt's or anyone whom usually close to a person.

6.  Where to Go?

    Security is a big issue. I would recommend you to stay away from malls (especially from malls you usually go to) but if you do, never go back! Although they have employees walking around, most of the time they are looking for shoplifters. They won't have any reason to suspect you unless your banging every store there with a lot of people.

    Any in-store carding experience knows about the last 4 digits of the card. Some POS (Point-of-Sale). Some POS terminals asks the clerk to type in the 4 last digit numbers. If they don't match, don't worry and say this always happen now because you are waiting for a card replacement from bank and say you're sorry because you assumed you can still use it.

    Any large stores like Radio Shack, Circuit City, Best Buy, Hot Topic, some Office Depot, etc. do last 4 digits so try to stay away from them unless you have matching plastics.

    Best places to hit are stores inside of a plaza where there is basically no security besides Law Enforcement patrolling the area, which is okay. Gas stations are very easy but they easily kill the dumps in some cases. Paying at the pump itself is a bad idea.

    It is recommended to do so if you are extremely broke and low on gas to do more carding. Never gas up anywhere with cameras. Next thing you know, you successfully carded a brand new computer but got busted because of a $20 worth of gas.

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