Thursday, December 3, 2015

Basic Info of In-Store Carding

This is not a guide or instruction. Please read for educational purpose only.

So you want to know how they do carding in physical stores?

    Remember, in-store carding is one the fastest way to get money but it requires the carder to keep its head's up for every carding operation.

    This information will provide you some basic knowledge of how carders operate during their shopping trip.

For the beginners/newbies,

    You are probably wondering about this topic and you are reading this for 2 common reason.

1.  You want to learn how to in-store carding.
  • To those who have the first reason, they should know some prior knowledge of credit cards before trying in-store carding.
    • If you don't, you can read few information I shared from previous posts. 

2.  Want to find and learn something more of anything you are not aware of.

    The most important part of in-store carding is to play your role as the person who wish to buy stuffs. For example, if you are going to a store to buy something worth from $3000 - $5000, you should dress as a real person who would buy at that specific price range. Remember, a real person who are able to buy something worth that much would not be nervous to make that kind of purchase.

Dressing Part.

    This is just common sense. To buy something expensive, the buyer needs to dress and act as if they are really rich.
    First time carder should always purchase clothes as their first time in-store carding. Choosing the right cloth with different variety of future carding is absolute necessary. Wearing the correct cloth is the key importance to successfully card.

Acting Part.

    This is part may come easy or difficult for certain people. Before going in to any targeted store, always prepare yourself of what you may say in different type of situation, either it is good or bad.
    Buying small items that costs below $800 is easier to accomplish. For items with higher price takes more than normal act, the buyer require to appear wealthy and act like a person whom achieved large amounts of money.

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